Vending Machines in Office, Factory and Workspace

Vending machines are a new norm of business solutions for the company to supply food and beverage to their employees. Compared with round-the-clock canteens and cafeterias, vending machines are less of a burden on facilities budgets and site spaces. There is no manpower needed to be on-site to sell the product like how a canteen or cafe works, what you need to do is just to perform restocking every once in a while. If your company is located far from the shops or restaurant, vending machines are an essential service to your employees as they no need to go far to get their food and drinks anytime they need. Vending machines that supply drinks and snacks not only save your employee's hungry stomach but also help to boost your team's energy and productivity throughout the day.
Besides, vending machines with dispense control enable companies and HR department to provide subsidies and employee points to their employees to get food and drinks with 24/7 availability at discounted prices or free of charges. It can be part of the employee welfare strategies to elevate team motivation.
As we move towards a cashless society, cashless payment is also one of the crucial factors that should be supported for the vending machine to achieve faster purchase and convenience.
Check out one of our customers from Malaysia, Sensory Coffee who successfully set up a total of six “Energy Stations” in the workplace supporting cashless payment which includes e-wallet and card payment to sell the energy booster to the employees.